University of Cambridge MPhil in Economics

University of Cambridge MPhil in Economics

Applicant D’s Background

Geographic Location: UK

GMAT (or GRE Equivalent): N/A

Undergraduate Major: Economics

Intended Programs: MPhil in Economics

Admissions: University of Cambridge – MPhil in Economics, LSE – MSc Finance and Economics, , Imperial College London – MSc Finance, UCL – Economics MSc


Case Detail

We knew Applicant D for a long time. She used our services for the 2017-2018 college application season and successfully received admission from UCL to study economics. We kept in touch since then. She shared with us her experiences studying in the UK and we were glad to provide her with some guidance regarding graduate school application preparation and job hunting. This long-term link saved us a significant amount of time in getting to know the applicant.

Once Applicant D decided to apply to graduate schools, she reached out for our services. Despite our casual communication over the years, we still carefully reviewed details of her original resume and transcript first. After brainstorming, we reconstructed her CV for application purpose, highlighting her academic achievements and potential. At that time, D was thinking about applying to some graduate programs in the US too. However, because she hadn’t even started preparing for her GRE and faced quite a tight schedule, we recommended that she focus on applications to British institutions.

Additionally, we strongly suggested that she select the dissertation unit in her final year at UCL. She was hesitant in the beginning because the unit would cost her significant time and energy. However, we deeply believed in the value of a research experience in her CV and thought that this experience could also help her see whether she would consider an academic career in the end. To relieve her concern, we even went out of our service scope and assisted her in identifying an original research topic that was closely linked to her internship and academic experiences. We were glad to see that all our effort paid off in the end.

When the research topic was finalized, our work on career goal and personal statement started with even more confidence. We helped D to cherry-pick relevant, interesting, and unique parts and made the statement flow naturally and convincingly. In the end, she received not only admission offers to four of the five programmes she applied to, but also several research assistantship opportunities, which added extra value to her application process.



At Elite Admission Consulting we are willing to go out of our way to help our clients to enhance their competitive edge. Our job is far more than editing your CV and personal statement but includes everything from seemingly trivial parts of your application file to strategic planning that might benefit you beyond the application.