Princeton University – Class of 2028

Applicant J’s Background

Geographic Location: Melbourne, Australia

Citizenship/Residence: Australia

SAT: 1550+

School Ranking: Top 1

First meeting: Year 12


Case Detail

We started mentoring Applicant J in February of his final year of high school. Before the first meeting, he had achieved a remarkable academic record, topping his school in a variety of subjects and achieving national awards in competitions in maths and chemistry. However, he was uncertain about his academic interests. In addition, his activities, although covering a great breadth, lack a strong sense of purpose.

Although, at that time, we were only a bit over half a year away from submitting the Early Round application, we still decided to help J dig deeper into his experiences and investigate his genuine passion before advising him on activities and essays. After conversations and collaborations, we suggested J take more look into his interest in linguistics, a field where he had the chance to participate in the international Olympiad and, more importantly, that he was most excited to talk about. Meanwhile, we encouraged him to actively build up the connections between languages and cultures through readings and activities. Such groundwork built up a critical pillar in J’s application.

With an individual medal in the Olympiad received later in the year, J has stronger confidence and a better position to speak about his passion for linguistics. Because we had been guiding him, we could effectively guide him in telling his passion through relevant essays. Nevertheless, the personal essay still posed a challenge. The final solution actually came up from a very casual conversation about J’s childhood. Based on our understanding of his personality, we helped J identify the potential direction and eventually edit the details of a genuine and impactful essay.

Admission interview was another area J managed to improve remarkably. In the beginning, J was slightly reluctant to speak about his achievements and, despite being a lovely person to talk to, tended to allow the conversations to become too casual. We guided him to change his mentality through discussions and mock interviews. In the end, J was able to present himself remarkably, while keeping the personal factors in those dialogues with alumni.



J was a very talented and pleasant student to work with. The journey could have been less stressful, if it had been started before Year 12. However, even under time pressure, the philosophy of Elite Admission Consulting was held assertively and proved effective again – Spending time with applicants and knowing them before aimlessly jumping into advice. The personal connection and trust forged between applicants and our team were invaluable for the service and will be maintained dearly by both students and us. Congratulation on his admission to Princeton University – Class of 2028


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